Thursday, January 21, 2010

wOrLd MuSiC (silence) wOrK

The International School of Kuala Lumpur provides an exceptional education that (silence) challenges each student to develop the attitudes, skills, knowledge and understanding to become a highly successful, spirited, socially responsible global citizen.

I fell that adding a silence after the word 'that' creates the best tension. When you add the void after 'that' the audience will be like 'exceptional education what?'. It will create the best tension because the audience wants to know what ISKL could provide for their children. Most of the time parents want a good school for heir kids and this could totally grad their attention.

One way composers put tension and release in their music is by putting a sudden stop to their music, like a sudden unexpected silence and it makes the person think what is the song done?, and then unexpected the music starts again.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

sNaPsShOt Of My HoLiDaY :)

I was the first one to wake up on Christmas day and my grandparents were here. I was so exited because we could open all our presents soon. I was so happy I dashed into my grand parents room and said with a very proud voice ''Ho Ho Merry Christmas''. They sat up and we wished each other a happy Christmas then next I went to my parents room and I did exactly the same and they did exactly the same. I did not do the same to my brother or my sister because they are teenagers and of course they sleep a lot more than I do but I am catching up. So I left them and I went down stairs to go have a look at the presents under the tree. The present were all so colorful and it made me so exited I decided to go and wake up my brother and sister to do what I did to my grandparents and my parents.

Later on that wonderful day of Christmas my sister and I helped my mom in the kitchen to prepare the food for our Christmas dinner. It was a lot of fun because we decorated the table full of green and red things. My sister and I put the food nicely on the plates and everything. In between we took breaks to relax and enjoy Christmas with the family.

We ate our wonderful delicious Christmas dinner, it was so good I couldn't believe it. Now it was time to open our presents, I was really happy. We all opened one present at a time. I was so happy with all my presents. I Knew a lot of my presents before hand because I had to choose a lot of my presents, but I had made myself forget most of them but there was one I couldn't forget because I got ... well my brother and sister got a PUPPY for Christmas. It was probably the best present I have ever gotten for Christmas. The puppy is a golden retriever and she is so so so absolutely adorable.

My Christmas was so nice It is a Christmas I will never forget.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Skills and Goals :) :)

Skills I have learned so far in my life as a middle schooler in drama class we learned how to control out voices; like when we speak loud if we use our throat then the quality wont be as good as when you use your diaphragm and you will hurt your vocal cords ... so we have to use our diaphragm in order to sound better. We also learned all the steps of your voice. So in this unit in drama I learned to control my voice.

Challenges have faced me in the past 5 months I have over come them but one that was a bit of a struggle was to memorize my schedule. I had bit of a struggle memorizing it because you were always so busy in the beginning of the year because you had to memorize combination's for your locker (normal locker, PE locker and for some people band locker) and remembering what to bring to your classes. It was always a bit crazy during breaks and passing periods because a few days I forgot my schedule at home and I had to go around and ask teachers if they could give me my schedule, most of the time they could give it to me but sometimes there was no time especially when I had to go to art ! At the end of about our second week I had memorized most of my classes, but now I know my schedule like nothing else, and to tease me my sister knew it was hard for me to memorize my schedule so now every morning she asks me what your first class and I just laugh :)

A skill I want to learn is to improve on my writing, I have never really been great at writing so i really want to improve on that during the second half of the year and my weaknesses are test, they bring my grades down so if I get good grades in other things we do in class then my tests wont effect mt grades so much.

I have demonstrated the MS core values when I contributed when we went on field trips with chin refugee and I helped Gloria, Victoria, Zarina and April with their breast cancer research by helping to make the ribbons and by helping selling things at there stand. I have also given in lost things I found around the school and I gave it to the MS office.

Two goals for the new year is to keep my grades up and to stay fit. I am going to do this by taking more sport activities and I will bring my grades up by working harder in class and not doing other things at home that distract me from my school work :)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010